Becki: copywriter; shot putter; vinegar lover.

I guess if we’re going to be working together, you’ll want to know a little more about me

Hopefully, you’ll have gathered by now that I’m Becki. Or Bec, or Bex, if you’re someone for whom two syllables is just one-too-many.

I’m a Lincolnshire-based copywriter with a love for authentic content and communications which pack a personality punch.

My love of writing and language started at a young age - probably around the same time that I discovered the delights of a 99 Flake. I had a weird obsession with spelling tests and used to make my parents quiz me on long car journeys. For some reason, the word ‘pheasant’ caused me real issues; I was probably not far off double figures age-wise when I finally nailed that one down.

I was often found penning poems and short stories (avidly avoiding writing anything about countryside poultry) or using my early copywriting skills to try to persuade my parents to buy a new family dog just hours after another one had been put to sleep as evidenced below (at least I had the decency to put ‘love from Rebecca’ in the corner.)

Becki Hall, Lincolnshire copywriter and founder of Co Co Squared, demonstrating what was presumably the inspiration for the 'Got Milk?' campaign.

I guess it was inevitable that I would find myself in a career that involved writing in some capacity; I now have over a decade’s worth of experience working as a marketing communications manager. Still love dungarees, too.

I’ve developed a variety of skills along the way - some useful, some not so. My more useful skills, and those which I think you’ll be interested in, are copywriting and copyediting (I love a good red-penning session!), strategic marketing, branding, tone of voice and all-things communications. Less useful skills include exhibition stand DIY, and laminating.

I really enjoy writing long-form copy, quizzing clients on their company culture and ethos to identify those messaging golden nuggets, and helping them spruce up their existing copy using my trusty red pen.

Some other snippets of information which you might find interesting…

  • I was once nicknamed Officer in Charge (OIC) of Pasta Bakes due to the amount of food-based marketing material I had to create in a previous marketing job on a military base.

  • As a child, when people asked me the time-old “what do you want to be when you grow up?” question, my answer was always “Sally Gunnell”.

  • I have a verging-on-unhealthy obsession with pickles. Or anything doused in vinegar, for that matter.

  • While we’re on the topic of strange food obsessions, I might as well add tomatoes to that list. I consume them like sweets.

  • I eat two Tunnocks Teacakes every single day (in hindsight I maybe should have dedicated this page entirely to my bizarre eating habits, which, now I write them down, I realise are plentiful).

  • I love an Oxford Comma. Don’t @ me.

  • I’ve seen Craig David six times. Yup, I just keep getting cooler…

  • Every copywriter or creative communicator has a word they can’t spell. Mine is entre…(looks up correct spelling)…preneur. Entrepreuneur. Entrepreuner? Oh I don’t bloody know. (I’m proud to say I can now spell ‘pheasant’).

  • I’m a competitive athlete and train five or six days a week, either at the athletics track or in the gym. I compete in the shot put and discus mainly but have my sights set on going back to combined events at a Masters’ level.

  • I’m also a qualified athletics coach and personal trainer, so if you want to work on your muscle tone as well as your tone of voice, I’m your girl. (That was truly dreadful. Sorry).

  • My Saturdays are spent moaning about my ever-failing FPL team or watching my other half play football. Football is life. (If you understand that reference, then we’re probably going to be best mates).

  • Also, dogs are better than cats and anyone who argues otherwise is, I’m afraid, wrong.

CoCo Squared's founder Becki Hall chucking some metal balls about in her spare time.